I'm a journalist and blogger who covers Nintendo and the tech and games industries. You can subscribe to my Bulletin email newsletter right here!
The Bulletinfor 16 Feb, 2025 Hey you, I think that's a long enough break. Welcome back to my flagship newsletter, The Bulletin. Where every Sunday, I give you the rundown on the last week in my life, share links, and music recommendations! It's always a great time! If you're new here, welcome! My name is Slade, I'm kind of a nerd. I love cycling and am so excited that you found me. Without further ado... Notable blog posts from me... SladeWatkins.com, and my branding as a whole, gets a visual...
The Bulletinfor 13th July, 2024 Hey there, Apologies for releasing this email a little later than usual, it was a pretty long weekend and I didn't have access to my computer for a bit. I had a great little trip and I've got some exciting news to share from that which you'll get to hear about very soon. I promise. Anywho, besides being blonde again, there's not much new going on in my life this week. I played a lot of Stardew Valley and Hi-Fi Rush, both of which are fantastic games. So instead...
The Bulletinfor 6th July, 2024 Hey you, Sorry this is a couple hours late, the platform I use to send these emails was down for a bit. Everything seems to be fine now, though, so we're back in business! Well, this past week has been filled with unexpected changes. I'm seeing a guy now for the first time in many years, and I've been really happy about where things are. I've endured a lot these past few months, and it feels like things have finally started looking up. Thank God. I had dinner...