Elon Musk, a pic of my kitty, and more within! [The Bulletin - 22nd June, 2024]

The Bulletin
for 22nd June, 2024

Oh hey there,

Thanks for tuning in again this week! I have a handful of small updates for you (sorry, wish it was the big stuff but that'll have to wait!) So, let's get those out the way first:

  • New email address: That said, you'll notice the new email address this has been sent from. I A/B tested it last week, and it seems to have been signed and secured correctly. If you have any issues (e.g. this email hits the spam folder, etc.) please let me know! There are a few hundred people on this list and sending email to everyone en masse is difficult.
  • A fix for emails: You can now [hopefully] reply to these Bulletin emails without your messages getting marked as spam! Everything sent as a reply will go directly to me now.
  • My blogs are returning: Both Slade's Corner (the main one) and my Tumblr account (general updates, anything else that doesn't fit) are coming back! Keep an eye on both for more words from me soon, besides just this weekly email.

This week in my life, I spent my best friend's 21st birthday with her and had an absolute blast. My ribs have hurt for literally three days now from laughing so hard! We're going to try and do something together as a group again soon. I'll just have to remember pain meds.

Other than that, I've spent time working on the finishing touches for my mom's website and started planning the launch of My Next Big Project™. Can't say when the project will be out, but we're targeting next week or two for the website. Keep your fingers crossed that I can pull it off, because this last stretch is incredibly tedious!

With that out of the way... your Bulletin with all the links and music recs for this week that you didn't ask for awaits!

Things I found across the net...

Ever just read something and go "I hate that guy!" immediately thereafter? Me, too.

What I'm listening to...

I happen to listen to a lot of music. Here’s what I’m currently listening to—usually on repeat. Here’s what I’ve got for you, for the week of 22nd June, 2024

Thanks to Odesli for making these links platform agnostic! For library stats, you can find me on last.fm.

That's it for this week! Thanks for joining me. See you next week for more of the same, but different!


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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205 (no mail, please!)
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© ℗ 2024​ ​Slade Watkins, under exclusive license to 2492 Creations.

Slade Watkins

I'm a journalist and blogger who covers Nintendo and the tech and games industries. You can subscribe to my Bulletin email newsletter right here!

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