If you didn't get a chance to stop by, or you'd like to stop at another event, I've updated the list to look outwards at the next three weeks. You'll find it below per usual. Looking forward to seeing some of you at those over the summer and into autumn as well! This week has been slow and quiet, just the way I like it. With a bunch of things going on in the background beyond what I'm usually working on, I've needed quiet. Calm, rather. I've been working on some things for my mom, and generally getting back into a routine following my trip last week. It has not been easy, and I still feel relatively exhausted from all the travel! But...This week has also been incredibly heartbreaking. My family lost a beloved member: my Great Uncle Billy passed on suddenly this past Thursday. While I'm still processing the news myself, I find comfort knowing he is reunited with Great Aunt Robin now, along with the other loved ones we've lost. Great Uncle Billy was one of the kindest people on this planet, and he had a soul you'd only find into once in a lifetime. The look on his face whenever he'd bump into me out and about, or stop by randomly to say hi, will never leave me. His happiness and humour was infectious. He never stopped believing in his people. I'll carry those memories with me for the rest of my life. And I'll miss Great Uncle Billy dearly. I know many will be surprised that I still decided to go forward with releasing a Bulletin today. But truth be told, he wouldn't have wanted me or the rest of us in his family to stop creating or doing what we loved. So, I've come here to you today to be strong, and put on a brave face. The show must go on! So ladies, gentlemen, non-binary and gender non-conforming friends: here's your Bulletin for the week of 25th May, 2024! Upcoming EventsOn 1st June (NEXT WEEKEND), my mom will also be doing the Battonkill Valley Pride Celebration at Lakota Farms in Cambridge, NY -- which I'll also be at! This one's running from 12:30pm-4:30pm, so come on down if you're in the area! Let's have a great kick off to Pride Month! (For those who don't know, I'm LGBTQ+. I've already switched to Pride themed wallpapers and a matching Apple Watch face! I'm very excited!) On 7th & 8th June (unsure about the 9th yet, please follow Theodessa Designs on Facebook for updates), my mom will be at the Cambridge Valley Balloon Festival in Cambridge, NY. I will be there on the 7th, and then most of the day on the 8th (unfortunately have to leave early due to a prior committment.) Event times are 5pm-9pm on 7th June, and 1pm-9pm on the 8th. Hope to see you there! On 15th June, my mom will be at the Schaghticoke Strawberry Festival at the Fairgrounds from 10am-3pm. This one's a shorter event, so keep that in mind. Unfortunately, I can't confirm whether or not I'll be able to attend this one yet or not so stay tuned. Regardless, you should stop by if you're in the area! If you'd like to follow my mom on Facebook, and get more up to date information outside of this newsletter, you can find her here: https://www.facebook.com/theodessadesigns/ Things I found across the net...Thanks, we hate it!
What I'm listening to...I happen to listen to a lot of music. Here’s what I’m currently listening to—usually on repeat. Here’s what I’ve got for you, for the week of 25th May, 2024…
Thanks to Odesli for making these links platform agnostic! For library stats, you can find me on last.fm. I also have two exciting announcements to make to you on Sunday! I've been looking forward to this day for a long time, and it's news I cannot wait to share with you. Alright, that's all - see you next week for the next edition of this newsletter, and later on for my announcements! 💙 Thanks so much for being here,
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I'm a journalist and blogger who covers Nintendo and the tech and games industries. You can subscribe to my Bulletin email newsletter right here!
The Bulletinfor 23 Feb, 2025 Hey there, This week, I spent most of the time arguing with my carrier about my RCS issues (see blog section) and a bunch of other crap that has made me want to 1) switch mobile platforms altogether and/or 2) leave my carrier. So hopefully we get a resolution this coming week! I'm going to throw in the towel here soon, though... This weekend, my friends Fiona and Arsene came up from the city to visit me and see the Bennington, Vermont area. We had a lovely...
The Bulletinfor 16 Feb, 2025 Hey you, I think that's a long enough break. Welcome back to my flagship newsletter, The Bulletin. Where every Sunday, I give you the rundown on the last week in my life, share links, and music recommendations! It's always a great time! If you're new here, welcome! My name is Slade, I'm kind of a nerd. I love cycling and am so excited that you found me. Without further ado... Notable blog posts from me... SladeWatkins.com, and my branding as a whole, gets a visual...
The Bulletinfor 13th July, 2024 Hey there, Apologies for releasing this email a little later than usual, it was a pretty long weekend and I didn't have access to my computer for a bit. I had a great little trip and I've got some exciting news to share from that which you'll get to hear about very soon. I promise. Anywho, besides being blonde again, there's not much new going on in my life this week. I played a lot of Stardew Valley and Hi-Fi Rush, both of which are fantastic games. So instead...