The Bulletinfor 16 Feb, 2025 Hey you, I think that's a long enough break. Welcome back to my flagship newsletter, The Bulletin. Where every Sunday, I give you the rundown on the last week in my life, share links, and music recommendations! It's always a great time! If you're new here, welcome! My name is Slade, I'm kind of a nerd. I love cycling and am so excited that you found me. Without further ado... Notable blog posts from me..., and my branding as a whole, gets a visual...
26 days ago • 2 min read
The Bulletinfor 13th July, 2024 Hey there, Apologies for releasing this email a little later than usual, it was a pretty long weekend and I didn't have access to my computer for a bit. I had a great little trip and I've got some exciting news to share from that which you'll get to hear about very soon. I promise. Anywho, besides being blonde again, there's not much new going on in my life this week. I played a lot of Stardew Valley and Hi-Fi Rush, both of which are fantastic games. So instead...
8 months ago • 2 min read
The Bulletinfor 6th July, 2024 Hey you, Sorry this is a couple hours late, the platform I use to send these emails was down for a bit. Everything seems to be fine now, though, so we're back in business! Well, this past week has been filled with unexpected changes. I'm seeing a guy now for the first time in many years, and I've been really happy about where things are. I've endured a lot these past few months, and it feels like things have finally started looking up. Thank God. I had dinner...
8 months ago • 2 min read
The Bulletinfor 29th June, 2024 Hey hey hey, This week, I returned to carrying two phones: one Android phone, one iPhone (paired to an Apple Watch). Best of both worlds, if you will! This will allow me to test everything without needing to keep moving SIM cards back and forth, which has proven to be an annoying first world problem these past few years. Regardless, I'll probably do a thing on my setup at some point, but for now screenshots are at the end of this email! Either way, as I write...
9 months ago • 3 min read
The Bulletinfor 22nd June, 2024 Oh hey there, Thanks for tuning in again this week! I have a handful of small updates for you (sorry, wish it was the big stuff but that'll have to wait!) So, let's get those out the way first: New email address: That said, you'll notice the new email address this has been sent from. I A/B tested it last week, and it seems to have been signed and secured correctly. If you have any issues (e.g. this email hits the spam folder, etc.) please let me know! There are...
9 months ago • 2 min read
The Bulletinfor 15th June, 2024 Hey y'all, WWDC 2024 was filled to the top with some insane announcements that I wasn't expecting. But importantly, I got a ton worked on this week. I think you'll be seeing some stuff from me soon... what that is, I can't tell you yet, but get excited! It's worth the wait! Promise. Other than that, I might go back to Android, but that's a conversation for another time. (Adam might kill me, but it's fine.) Anyways, I love quiet and because it has been quiet...
9 months ago • 2 min read
The Bulletinfor 8th June, 2024 Well, It has certainly been quite the week. Chaotic, busy, stressful, you name it -- I've probably experienced that feeling. But all-in-all, I think it was a fairly good week. At least for the most part. We unfortunately had to pack up early due to inclement weather from the Cambridge Valley Balloon Festival (we weren't the only ones!), but not to worry, there are two more (smaller) events you can catch my mom at. Those are below in the usual spot. As for me,...
9 months ago • 3 min read
The Bulletinfor 1st June, 2024 Happy Pride Month everyone! Thanks to everyone who stopped by the first annual Battonkill Valley Pride Festival at Lakota Farms yesterday! I had such a great time, and I hope y'all did too. Shout out to our fellow vendors, the volunteers, and organisers for putting on such a lovely event! And thank you to Lakota Farms for hosting on us on your beautiful farm! 💜🌈 My mom and I sitting together chatting at Pride <3 Full caption on Instagram (tap here) What a...
10 months ago • 3 min read
The Bulletinfor 25th May, 2024 Sorry that this is getting sent late, unfortunately some email errors prevented this from getting out on time. That said, original email is attached below. Howdy y'all, Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who stopped by my mom's booth at Mayfest in Bennington, VT today! We started events' season off with a bang and we're all fired up for the next few ones we've got lined up. They caught me! If you didn't get a chance to stop by, or you'd like to stop at another...
10 months ago • 4 min read